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07/17/2024 08:00 AM

Not the Way

Previous to the February 2022 referendum, there must have been four or five Madison paid-for consultant studies on the Academy building by Collier and other consultants. There were ad hoc committees. I was on the ad hocĀ building committee study in Madison chaired by Jim Satterwhite to determine the feasibility of opening up Academy for community use and the uses of other buildings. This was to be paid for by renting the building to various community groups. It never happened. We determined then that the septic system needed repairs, the building had to be ADA upgraded, the gymnasium was old, and certain classrooms needed to be upgraded.

Why was this information not included in the $15.9 million cost taxpayers approved at the February 2022 referendum? In my opinion, this reality was ignored because of special interest pressure and fear the referendum wouldn't pass with any additional cost. Now, we have to spend $3.8 million in grant money, if approved, if we want to complete this project. It's not the way to run Town business.

Bob Roxbrough
