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07/11/2024 08:00 AM

Very Fortunate

Guilford Interfaith Volunteers would like to thank the Women’s Club of Madison for their generous financial contribution to Charlie’s Closet. Charlie’s Closet, located in Guilford, is a medical equipment clearinghouse that accepts donations of medical equipment. We then make the equipment available to those in need of these items.

From July 2022 to June 2023, Charlie’s Closet distributed more than 6,000 pieces of equipment to Connecticut residents, including those from Madison, Guilford, and the surrounding Shoreline area. Charlie’s Closet is on target to distribute a similar number of pieces this fiscal year.

The Charlie’s Closet program only works because of the generosity of people and organizations such as the Women’s Club of Madison. Their support allows us to continue to carry out our mission of “neighbor helping neighbor.”

We are very fortunate to have the support of the Women’s Club of Madison. It is appreciated.

Tony Sicignano, Director

Charlie’s Closet