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06/26/2024 08:00 AM

Many Things Could Be Offered

As Academy School sits empty another year and new buildings continue to be built, I don't understand why this piece of history has not been utilized.

I have spoken in the past about opening Academy School from October to April as an adult education facility, open to younger folks as well, and offering different things such as beginning Spanish for adults, jewelry making, public speaking, different arts, learning to play an instrument. These are just examples of many things that could be offered for a fee, of course, and have it be open to surrounding towns.

Winters can be long for some, and it would be enjoyable for people of all ages to learn new things.  As I tell my boys, "You are never too old to get educated, and everyone has something to offer."  If this gets "shot down," you'll hear from me again with an additional idea.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

I'm hoping others consider this as a possibility.

Ellen Anderson
