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06/26/2024 08:00 AM

A Collaborative Process

At the Town of Essex public hearing held May 22, the Board of Selectmen (BOS) was presented with signatures of over 520 residents expressing their disapproval of a proposed plan for Hubbard Park that added a permanent asphalt and gravel 38-car parking lot and second driveway. Over 30 residents addressed the plan—all favored the improved facilities and safety for Little League players and families during the season but opposed the loss of one of the few centrally located, open, grassy play spaces available for informal play in Essex. Residents suggested there was another solution, allowing for safer, formalized parking on grass during the three months of Little League’s season and unobstructed use of the space for the rest of the year.

The Town has taken the citizens’ views and ideas seriously. At the June 5 BOS meeting, a revised plan was presented and approved, eliminating the gravel parking and secondary access. Parallel 190-foot-long timber guardrails defined a reinforced grass parking area. The board agreed to reconsider the guardrails as they present a safety hazard for active users of the open play space and could be replaced with simple, removable bollards set up for the Little League season. They agreed to specify a soil composition to ensure the durability of the grass.

We applaud a collaborative process in which the Town listened to concerns of its citizens and revised original plans to allow for the best use of a public space for our children and all users throughout the year. We will have achieved a significant upgrade to the quality and safety of our Little League facility while preserving a valuable year-round amenity for the town. We’re excited to see the improvements take shape this summer.

George Penniman
