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06/26/2024 08:00 AM

A Brighter, Healthier, More Properous Future

As a mother of four school-aged children, I am deeply invested in our community’s future. That is why I am wholeheartedly supporting Brandi Mandato for State Senate in District 34.

Brandi Mandato has consistently demonstrated her dedication to education, healthcare, and family support—issues crucial to parents like myself. Her comprehensive plan to improve our public schools resonates with me. Brandi understands that a well-funded, high-quality education system is the cornerstone of a thriving community. As a mom, I trust Brandi to ensure my children receive the best education possible.

In addition to her commitment to education, Brandi is a strong proponent of accessible healthcare for all. At a time when healthcare costs burden many families, her plan to expand healthcare access and make it more affordable is necessary. Knowing that Brandi will fight for policies supporting my family’s health and well-being gives me great peace of mind.

Her proven track record of community involvement and her clear vision for a better future make Brandi Mandato the ideal candidate to represent us in the State Senate. She listens to our concerns, values our input, and takes action to address the issues that matter most to us.

I urge all my fellow parents and community members to support Brandi Mandato for State Senate. Together, we can ensure a brighter, healthier, and more prosperous future for our children and our community.

Lindsey Matis

North Haven