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06/19/2024 08:00 AM

Lest it Be Hypocritical

Seven years ago, a local news channel carried the story of Project Purple in Guilford to highlight the reason why Guilford has flown purple flags. They have been a reminder to Guilford's youth to live healthy lives, have healthy experiences, relationships, and behaviors; and combat drugs, alcohol, and bullying.

Project Purple was said to have increased awareness and to have lessened the use of alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs. It also sent the message that the citizens of Guilford cared about their youth.

In contrast to this noble effort on behalf of the youth of Guilford were the pro-cannabis users who spoke at the Town Hall hearing on June 3. They did not elevate their cases as well as a teenager who spoke about Project Purple in that news story.

There was a suggestion made at the hearing that recreational cannabis be allowed to be grown on Guilford's farmland, processed, and sold in a Guilford establishment. I don't believe that anyone objects to medical marijuana, but recreational cannabis is a different story. Allowing it to be sold in Guilford would negate the message we have been reminding our youth of for years. Kids can spot hypocrisy ten miles away.

Let the cannabis ban be upheld, lest it be hypocritical to continue to celebrate Guilford's Project Purple.

Dianne Albright
