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05/29/2024 08:00 AM

Refine His Sales Pitch

David Roberts’ May 16 letter (“Taken For Fools”) was refreshing. A modicum of politeness may be the norm in Guilford, but there’s nothing like blatant rudeness to wake people up. Take Roberts’s latest ad hominem attack against town officials. Airing grievances, flinging insults with aplomb, and simply opposing the budget (as is his right) wasn’t sufficient. Roberts told us that with Guilford’s latest proposed budget cuts, “we are being taken for fools.”

Gosh! I decided to wait for the outcome before sheepishly admitting that I was such a voting fool. A song asks: “Why Do Fools Fall in Love?” I voted “yes” because I love Guilford. At least I wasn’t alone (nearly 60% of voters joined me).

Roberts might wanna refine his sales pitch. I once did trial work but never heard opposing counsel suggest, in closing argument, that jurors who accepted my case were fools. And the mishmash of factors Roberts cites in opposing the budget could actually be viewed favorably, such as (1) that the town pursued/obtained “almost $1 million in state grants;” and (2) that “considerable residential and commercial development in town … add[s] to our grand list.” Shouldn’t we celebrate that Guilford has been run so efficiently, its schools ranked so highly, and its employees so professional that properties here have increased significantly in value since the last state-mandated revaluation? Roberts shares that his property, despite no significant changes, has increased in valuation by more than 11.5%. His investment in Guilford strikes me as savvy and profitable.

Roberts begrudges any raises to the very town and school employees that have made Guilford such a desirable town. On behalf of those folks (who are too busy doing their jobs to respond to his insults), I offer this: Mr. Roberts … you’re welcome.

Greg Kinsella
