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05/29/2024 08:00 AM

Could Happen in Your Backyard

The Tremaine Foundation (EHTF) plans to abandon New Haven and move to 6 Opening Hill Road, Madison, on a tax-free basis in an effort to transform a rural, highly desirable fully-residential neighborhood into a mixed-use commercial venue solely for the financial benefit of their family-operated foundation.

The vehicle traffic in and out of the property necessary to support the commercial endeavors the EHTF has planned for 6 Opening Hill Road will be overwhelming.

To accommodate the Foundation staff, gatherings, on-site residencies, service kitchen, trash removal, landscaping, catering, tent rentals, temporary toilets, non-amplified music, signage, maid and laundry service, and shuttle buses for larger gatherings total (on a conservative basis) a staggering 8,554 combination of cars, trucks, and shuttle buses.

This is why there are commercial business zones to accommodate this amount and type of traffic.

Opening Hill Road is a rural residential setting not equipped to support this type of commercial activity. Opening Hill Road is a narrow, winding road with blind curves, hardly appropriate or capable to safely accommodate this amount of additional commercial traffic.

The process continues at Madison's next Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) hearing scheduled for Thursday, June 20, with a venue and time to be confirmed.

Please hold the date and try to attend. The greater the show of community support, the greater our chances are of convincing the Madison PZC to deny this special use exception.

Thank you to those who have expressed their opposition by writing to the Madison PZC at

Please, if you haven’t written by now, this is the time we need your support the most. Without your participation, this could happen in your backyard.

J T Capone


Editor’s note: A portion of Opening Hill Road is in Guilford.