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05/22/2024 08:00 AM

Thank You

As chair of the Friends of the Guilford Free Library’s recent spring sale, I am pleased once again to thank everyone who contributed to the event. First, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our attendees, who turn out year after year to support our sales. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Thanks also to the Friends who sorted through thousands of books to find exceptional items and the volunteers who set up, worked at, and took down the sale. The library staff lent professional expertise. The Fresh Market donated beautifully wrapped roses and chocolates to lucky early-bird shoppers. The Ukuladies, back by popular request, sang and strummed old favorites that had a few attendees dancing in the aisles. Flutist Mimi Dudley once again shared her musical talents, especially entrancing a group of younger listeners.

The proceeds from all the Friends’ sales go toward purchasing books and equipment, supporting programs, funding staff enrichment, and upgrading the Library of Things, which allows users to enjoy such items as virtual reality goggles, robotic Lego sets, and digital musical instruments.

Please think of the Friends of the Guilford Free Library if you can donate contemporary or vintage books, ephemera, prints, or maps in saleable condition. Or support the library by joining the Friends.

Linda Carlone

Friends of the Guilford Free Library