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05/15/2024 08:00 AM

We Can Do Better

I very much hope that my fellow Guilford residents will join me in voting to support the revised budget on Tuesday, May 21. The turnout for the first budget vote was a mere 18%. That means that 82% of people eligible to vote did not exercise this important right and responsibility. We can do better.

I implore people to take a few minutes out of their day to vote either by absentee if eligible or in person and to vote "yes" in support of the budget. We have already put our trust in those we have elected to represent us as officials on our Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance, and Board of Education. They worked diligently to come up with a town budget that reflects the needs, priorities, and values that make Guilford such a special place to live.

No one likes to pay more taxes, but our elected officials have worked mightily to create a responsible budget with minimal tax increases, recognizing that inflation, fixed costs, and expanding needs require a little more in our coffers.

A majority of those voting, but certainly not a majority of eligible voters, turned down the first budget. Our officials heard the message and have done their responsible best to find where they could cut. Let’s let them do the job we elected them to do, support our schools and town, and give a green light to the budget as presented on May 21.

Whether we have children in the schools or not, (I do not), we all benefit from having one of the best school systems and best run towns in the state. This is what makes Guilford such a special place to live. Let’s overcome our differences and come together to pass the budget this round.

Judith Meyers
