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05/15/2024 08:00 AM

Great Schools Benefit Everyone

When our family prepared to move to the Connecticut Shoreline 30 years ago, we wanted to know which town had the best schools. It didn’t hurt that Guilford was also the prettiest town, but education was number one. It turned out that our children got a wonderful academic education while playing school sports, playing in the band and orchestra, and volunteering in the community – all these activities are a function of the school system.

Like everyone else, we hope that inflation slows down and our tax increases can too. But we feel obligated and even privileged to support our town’s great schools. It has been many years since our children graduated and grew up, and we thank those townspeople of the past who built the schools here. We celebrate the progress we continue to see in the schools and in the responsible ways our taxes support all the people of the town.

No, we don’t agree with every financial decision that’s made, but that’s never a deal breaker for how we vote. Now is not the time for differences of opinion to be used against what’s best for Guilford children today and in the future.

Great schools benefit everyone, which is a simple truth. I’m sorry some of my Guilford neighbors voted down the budget last month, so we will be back at the polls hoping good sense and Guilford pride win this critically important vote coming up.

David Davison
