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05/15/2024 08:00 AM

Continue to Fund Them

I am writing in support of the fiscal year 2024-’25 Guilford town budget. I hope all registered voters interested in keeping our town departments funded and our school district high-performing will vote yes on Tuesday, May 21.

One of Guilford’s most compelling features is its “great outdoors.” Our town has miles of managed coastline and wetlands, thousands of acres of town and land trust-owned woodlands, open fields saved for agriculture, and, of course, our parks and sports fields. Many of us have served on committees to help maintain these outdoor amenities. Serving on these commissions and groups, we see firsthand the work of Public Works, Park and Rec, and Town Hall employees in improving and preserving these resources. Adequate funding for this and future budgets will ensure our town has the tools and technology to continue these efforts.

The future only requires more work as climate change rapidly alters our world. Guilford can continue to face these challenges and manage our sensitive habitats, outdoor parks and facilities, and town infrastructure — if we continue to fund them.

Ben Robinson
