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05/08/2024 08:00 AM

Don’t Go Nearly Far Enough

As a result of the disappointment expressed by many Guilford citizens regarding the conduct of Town officials at the annual town budget meeting on April 2, the Board of Selectmen (BOS) took unusual measures to make corrections at their meeting on April 25. Specifically, all the members of the board signed a resolution requiring up to 45 minutes of discussion on motions to reduce the town budget before anyone can “call the question” to end discussion at the upcoming town budget meeting on Tuesday, May 14. The board also agreed that any motion to reduce the Town operating budget could be made as a lump-sum deduction. These are positive developments for sure, but they don’t go nearly far enough.

Regrettably, at this April 25 meeting, the BOS unanimously rejected using secret ballots for all votes on motions to reduce the Town and education budgets at town budget Meetings. Why would the board reject secret ballots? Just think about it. Would any Town or school system employee, any parent of any Guilford Public School student, or any Guilford business owner raise their hand to vote in favor of motions to reduce either the town or education budgets? I believe the answer is no because, in Guilford, the sad reality is that they would all fear retribution. This decision by the board to reject secret ballots at town meetings not only denies every Guilford citizen their constitutional right to a secret ballot but virtually ensures that any motion to reduce the Town or education budgets before they go out to referendum will be defeated.

The good news is that every Guilford registered voter has an opportunity to vote by secret ballot regarding the revised Guilford 2024-’25 budget on May 21 at referendum. Your vote matters.

Dave Holman
