Stay the Course
Recently, I had been pondering whether Guilford’s leaders had ever proposed a zero-increase budget. If so, not in recent years, but now the current proposed budget increase was rejected at a referendum in all five districts, we could have an opportunity for this.
It seems the strategy adopted by our leadership is to propose an annual rise of just less than 5% and expect voters not to object. Although, in reality, this number is only achieved by omitting some spending through bonding certain items, i.e., taking on more debt and paying more interest.
Of course, we voters have encouraged our continuously ballooning spending by regularly approving the relentless increases at referendum. It should be noted that, with compounding, in 14 years, our tax bills will have doubled. It seems unlikely that incomes in general will keep up.
I suggest that with the proposed increase having been soundly rejected, we should just revert to last year’s previously approved budget and look seriously for savings to make it work. As I doubt my suggestion will be looked upon favorably, we can expect another attempt to pass a slightly reduced budget. Let’s stay the course and keep rejecting increased taxes until our leadership gets the message.
David Roberts