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12/06/2023 11:48 AM

Not The End Of The Story

My 11/22/23 Letter-To-The-Editor entitled “Not Acknowledged or Refuted,” informed the citizens of Guilford about an 11-page letter sent to the Guilford Board of Education (BOE) on 9/6/23 which requested that they cease-and-desist their “Equity and Social Justice/Portrait of a Graduate” (ESJ/POG) curriculum because it was implemented illegally and denies our children a traditional education where the goal would be to ensure that our high school graduates be proficient in reading, writing, math, science, technology and civics. This 9/6/23 letter includes a five-page reference section asserting that the BOE has ignored multiple state and local statutes in their zeal to implement their ESJ/POG curriculum, but also to educate the good citizens of Guilford as to what has been going on in the Guilford Public School community the past four years. Again, concerned Guilford residents should go to to examine this letter and its extensive reference section. The refusal of the Guilford BOE and Superintendent Freeman to acknowledge, or refute, this 9/6/23 letter is alarming, but this is not the end of the story.

On 9/15/23, Superintendent Freeman instead chose to respond to my 9/13/23 Letter-To-The-Editor entitled “Is This a Good Thing” (which was a 300-word summary of our 11-page 9/6/23 letter), by sending his response via the taxpayer-funded Guilford Public School (GPS) communication system to the entire GPS Community. In his letter, Superintendent Freeman states that my letter was “factually inaccurate, and, on the chance that members of the GPS community read this letter , I want to set the record straight.” When I sought to respond in kind using the GPS communications system, Superintendent Freeman refused to furnish me with the GPS email list, or as a compromise, to send my response to the GPS Community.

Dave Holman
