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11/15/2023 08:00 AMOn Sept. 25, 2018, we had 6 to 8 inches of rain in a couple of hours from a freak tropical storm that inundated the watershed that drains into the depression under the Thimble Island Road Amtrak underpass. Multiple drivers were extricated from their disabled and flooded cars in the darkness of night when the floodwaters rose to their door windows.
One of those rescued drivers was the Creekâs beloved 90-year-old, Dr. Marv Zimmerman.
Despite claims to the contrary, the underpass flooding was not accompanied by a high tide but, in fact, an extreme low tide. The flood was all rainwater, collected because of a constricted drainpipe, eroded, and plugged - the result of long town neglect.
Again, on Sept. 2, 2021, at 1:30 a.m., there was a repeat; this time, it was Tropical Storm Ida, and a driver was again extricated from the underpass.
In both cases, in response to statewide flooding, Governor Ned Lamont asked for federal aid.
We still do not have a remedial solution to either improve the drainage or even a temporary warning system more than five years after the 2018 event.
Thimble Island Road, south of the Amtrak underpass, is the only way in or out of Stony Creek for many. It is our only evacuation route.
The town owes us an immediate solution.
Jerry Shaw