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09/27/2023 08:00 AM

Holding Up Progress

Once again, the town is holding up progress. The house purchased on Church Street by the town sits dormant. The historical society has said it cannot be torn down, and the existing structure must be used. My question is, why? This is a valuable property that can be used for much-needed additional downtown parking and maybe a senior center. Or possibly a new structure that could be more functional for the town.

Time and again, we put history in front of progress. The structure, in my opinion, holds zero historical significance. Church Street is the gateway to our town center. Why can’t we move forward? Will we once again wait until the structure is no longer serviceable, and then and only then will we allow the town to move forward? This happened once before on my street.

I just hope the historical society and town can come to an agreement and move forward. I really don’t want visitors to our town to think we can’t move quickly on progress, and I certainly don’t want to look at it for the next five years.

Lee Altieri
