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08/16/2023 06:19 AMThe Scranton Library Friends (SLF) exists solely to support the Scranton Library.
We were founded in 1971 and began holding used book sales in 1991. Our most recent sale was held at the library from July 20 to July 21. We are happy to report that it was successful! Also that the preview night for SLF members only on Thursday night has proven to be a popular innovation.
As always, we are grateful to the Madison Community for their donations of gently used books and for patronizing our sale.
I would also like to thank our board of directors for their efforts and support.
Finally, we are most grateful to our volunteers. Without their support, this could not have happened. They heard that we needed assistance and answered the call!
So a sincere thank you to Barbara Beckerman, Mary Ann Behnam, Meg Berlin, Kellie Brady, Kellie Brady, Kathleen Brophy, Marsha Brunelle, Isabelle Castellano, Susie Clark, Barbara Cook, Lisa and Dave Harding, Pam Hayden, Amanda Hitchcock, Amy Jamison, Jan Kanyock, Kathy LeBlanc, Carolyn Martinelli, Mary Ouimet, Blasé Picone, Stan Pinover, Agnes Rath, Jerry Rourke, Carole Robinson, Sally Slomba, Jen Thompson,, Diane Vanacore, Eleanor Watt, Almarie Walczak, Ann Zaaijer, Mary Zoeckler, and Bette Zollshan.
Barbra Buckley, President
Scranton Library Friends