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06/21/2023 07:24 AMI would like to thank everyone that came out to watch the Madison Memorial Day Parade and ceremonies. Each year, the crowd grows and grows! I wish that I could personally thank all of the veterans, firemen, ambulance, clergy, policemen, and all of the scout troops and their dedicated leaders. Their participation each year seems to increase in enthusiasm.
My appreciation goes out to our State Senator Christine Cohen, First Selectman Peggy Lyons and the members of the Board of Selectmen, American Legion Commander Charlie Corso, and VFW Commander Larry Brundrett, for their wonderful patriotic addresses.
Thank you to the Daniel Hand High School (DHHS) band, under the direction of Mr. John Gage, his bugler Nicholas Valentine, who played "Taps" with Legion Post 79 bugler George Delmhorst and Madeline Wines of DHHS for lending her beautiful voice for all our patriotic songs. Thanks to Mr. Austin Hall and the Madison Town Beach and Recreation Department employees who provided us with the stage and sound system setup at the Town Green.
I would be remiss for not thanking The Source for helping spread the word.
Thanks, especially, to my fabulous Memorial Day Legion Team headed up by Fred Muzer and Legion Auxiliary for jumping in there last minute and bringing my vision to light.
Donna Farrell, Parade Organizer