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05/17/2023 04:26 PMI attended the Westbrook Zoning Commission meeting on April 24 in order to get first-hand information about the cannabis store, and I am mystified by the items that people seem to be worried about.
Why do people imagine that customers of the store will not get back into their cars and go home but will instead wander the street by their valuable beach houses? I don’t live in a beach house, but I value my safe community very highly, I love the peace of living here, and I would be strongly against anything that would detract from that. This will not detract from our beautiful community, and this town has wanted to increase tax revenue for decades. Here’s our chance! Opposing this store will just send the tax revenue elsewhere.
I don’t understand the concern with school buses - an unmarked (per state law) van that may or may not make a cannabis delivery does not impact innocent children in any way. Don’t think for a minute that there’s no cannabis in Westbrook! It’s been pervasive, along with other illicit drugs, for many years. Your children will be exposed to drugs, with or without this store.
For those who are frightened about this store, maybe it would be a good idea to visit a dispensary and see what actually happens. There’s one in Branford and one in Middletown.
I’m not interested in purchasing cannabis myself, but it’s time to be realistic: it’s here, it’s not a detriment to a community, and it’s better to have regulated–tax-paying–cannabis than uncontrolled risks. And anyone who would like to see $100,000 to $200,000 in annual tax revenue should consider speaking up because those who are opposed are speaking loudly.
Joanie Ferenbach