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10/12/2022 08:00 AMFor the first time in eight years, a Guilford Republican, Rich DiNardo, has stepped up to compete for the 98th General Assembly seat in Hartford. Connecticut has over 300 taxes, and some cost more to collect than they generate in revenue. Rich would like to cut the sales tax, gas tax, and new "luxury" tax on restaurants and prepared foods that penalizes working parents who rely on prepared foods when they don't have time to cook. He supports the idea of a thorough audit of State finances to expose waste and free up revenue for needed expenses.
As strange as it might appear, lowering the income tax by 1 percent could increase revenue. This occurs as fewer higher income families leave Connecticut and more move in from higher tax states like New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts. Perhaps this is a policy change we should consider adopting.
Rich also supports more parental involvement in our public schools, especially with respect to the curriculum. State law requires parent participation in curriculum development, but it needs to be supported by our elected officials.
Having served as a state-certified election moderator, Rich knows that problems can occur at the voting place. He believes we must require photo ID at polling places to ensure legal eligibility to vote. Every person in this state currently must show a photo ID to buy beer, drive a car, or get on a plane, but may vote in Connecticut using only the utility bill of a registered voter as ID without ever having to prove that he or she actually is that registered voter.
Richard is a fresh face and will bring new ideas and energy to Hartford, and I urge that you support him on Tuesday, Nov. 8.
Jack Phelan