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10/05/2022 08:00 AMSelecting a judge for the probate court is a very serious decision. We need a judge who is, first and foremost, well acquainted with probate law. We need a person who has dedicated their career to serving the public practicing probate law. Electing a probate judge is not a popularity contest. It’s more about having the best person ready, willing, and able to do an outstanding job on the first day of work. This office is not meant to provide on the job training. The person who is elected probate judge must be ready to deliberate, act and rule on the first day. Only Al Ippolito is qualified to do that from the start. I have known Al Ippolito since my high school days and he has always been accessible, reasonable, reliable, and fair. With his long history practicing probate law, the choice for probate judge is simple. I have lived in both Branford and Northford for the past 32 years; I love this community and ask you to please vote for Al Ippolito for probate Judge to represent the towns of Branford and North Branford.
Valerie Mirabella