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03/14/2018 08:00 AM

A Unique Opportunity

The Guilford Land Conservation Trust (GLCT) has a unique opportunity to secure the last 30 acres in the heart of WestWoods here in Guilford. After decades of working closely with the landowners, the land trust has agreed to purchase this last interior part of WestWoods this spring. If your readers are not familiar with this parcel of land, they may visit the GLCT website If they are not familiar with WestWoods, then I encourage them to make the time to enjoy more than 1,000 acres of undisturbed forest right here in Guilford. I encourage those who have never donated to the Land Trust to consider doing so now; we have a donor who will double all new donations up to $200. I hope those who have donated in years past will consider doing so again and accept the thanks of generations of Guilford residents who enjoy the benefits the WestWoods.

Andrew R. Page
