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11/02/2016 08:30 AM

A Deep Understanding

I met State Senator Art Linares, Jr. (R-33) four years ago, shortly after he decided to run for his first term to the State Senate. My first thought was, “He’s too young,” but then he spoke of his family’s immigrant history and his ideas for Connecticut and I was sold.

In his first two terms, he has shown leadership beyond his years. During the debate held Oct. 17, Senator Linares revealed a deep understanding of the issues and described efforts he has made and will continue to make to fix those problems. Senator Linares stood up against Governor Dannel Malloy’s tax increases and supports a plan to grow the economy and jobs and reduce taxes titled “A Confident Future,” which was unveiled by the GOP Senate Leadership on Sept. 15. I wholeheartedly endorse Senator Linares for reelection to the State Senate. A copy of the plan can be found at

Mel Seifert
