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10/26/2016 08:00 AM

Ask Them About Their Plans

In January 2015 the Clinton Board of Selectmen passed a resolution that set an energy goal for the town to be fully sustainable by 2030. One of the major ways that can help us achieve this goal is to increase the use of public transportation. This is why the expansion of our train station to include an additional platform is so critical to our community. Unfortunately for some reason or other there seems to be no sense of urgency either by Amtrak or Connecticut Department of Transportation to get this project underway. Westbrook, a town half our size, opened its new train station in March 2014 and we are still waiting for construction to start, 2 ½ years later.

So when our politicians come looking for our votes over the next few weeks, we should ask them about their plans to get our train station up to the standard of all the other Shoreline East train stations.

Paul Gebauer


Paul Gebauer chair the Clinton Town Energy Committee.