Preserve Wall Field for the Future
This is a follow up of a previous letter I wrote about saving the land of the old Wall Field area Green ["A Small Breath of Fresh Air," Nov. 27] calling for no more empty stores or buildings of any kind. I've received some very positive support for this hope and I am sure Edward Wall, Sr., would agree.
I hope to see a good turnout of the public on Saturday, Dec. 14 at the meeting at the Intermediate School cafeteria from 1 to 3:30 p.m. The economic development commission will be seeking public input in this area and the whole Route 80 corridor.
My interest is to preserve the land area of the old Wall Field for our town's future to be open space. Some people propose that this land be sold and used for commercial development. I feel it should be kept at least open space for a future park for once upon a time-the historical center of North Branford.
I encourage your readers to try to attend and let the town's fathers and mothers know their ideas, feelings, and concerns.
Dudley HarrisonNorth Branford