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05/15/2013 10:00 AM

Adopt – Don't Shop!

I think people should not buy puppies at pet stores. Usually pet stores get puppies from puppy mills. That's not good. So many dogs are getting hurt and abused and not even getting fed in puppy mills. They're stuffed in cages; their feet swell and hurt because of that. They're forced to have babies.

If everyone buys from rescues, so many dogs will be saved. That could make an impact on the whole world. Kill shelters give them six days to live, then they put them in a box and put bad air in so they can't breathe. This is happening every day now to poor helpless dogs!

Imagine you as that dog. How proud would you feel to know you save a helpless dog or know you turned your back on one?

You probably think pet stores are saving dogs. That's not true. If more people buy from pet stores, more puppy mills will develop, so you should always go to a rescue site.

My dog Daisy is a great dog – playful and energetic. I got her from a rescue center.

A lot of people shop and don't adopt. I can name one million reasons to adopt and not shop. Imagine you were a dog at a shelter and everyone went to pet stores, fooled by cute faces. You might end up dying because no one adopted you. Remember, buying from pet stores keeps the puppy mills running.

Please, please, please adopt one. You won't regret it! Just remember, buying from pet stores supports puppy mills.

Perry JensenAge 8Madison