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12/19/2015 11:00 PM

Record $10,000 Raised at Summer Breeze Ride for Autism

Pictured at the Summer Breeze Ride for Autism are Bill Baker (Cd3, Inc.), Steve Meader (SARAH volunteer), Marge and Michael Pellicio (from Southern Connecticut Cycle Club), Denise Rose (SARAH Foundation), and Chris Weiler (Madison Jaycees).

On July 19, the Summer Breeze Ride for Autism was held at Daniel Hand High School in Madison. The Summer Breeze Ride for Autism features neighbors helping local families touched by autism or other intellectual challenges. It is a well-supported ride on some of the nicest cycling roads in Connecticut. Riders were able to choose distances of 15, 22, 50, 62, and 100 miles.

The 2015 Summer Breeze Ride supported SARAH ( programs and services for people with intellectual and other disabilities who live in Connecticut. The 2016 Summer Breeze Ride Committee has already started plans for next year’s ride.