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10/15/2020 12:01 AM

Connecting Gardens to Larger Landscapes

Bill Nobel will talk about how individual gardens relate to the larger landscape, among other topics, at an upcoming session at the Essex Library. Photo courtesy of the Essex Library

How does an individual garden relate to the larger landscape? How does it connect to the natural and cultural environment? Does it evoke a sense of place? In addressing these topics in an illustrated presentation based on his new book, Spirit of Place, on Thursday, Oct. 22 at 2 p.m. via Zoom, Bill Noble, a lifelong gardener, the former director of preservation for the Garden Conservancy, will help gardeners answer these questions by sharing how they influenced the creation of his garden in Vermont.

Noble says a garden is never created in a vacuum but is rather the outcome of an individual’s personal vision combined with historical and cultural forces of place. He speaks to the guiding principles that have shaped the making of the garden, and will lead viewers through a tour of its colorful perennial borders as well as quiet nooks of greenery and refuge. His talk is designed to encourage gardeners to create a garden rich in context, personal vision, and spirit. It will be followed with a Q&A session.

This virtual talk via Zoom is free and open to the public. Advance registration is required. More information is available from the Essex Library at 860-767-1560 or, to register, visit the Adult Featured Events page at