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09/25/2024 08:30 AM

Jaime Flotre: Welcome to Town

Jaime Flotre is one of the new co-presidents of the Madison Newcomers Club. Photo courtesy of Jaime Flotre.

Moving to a new town and getting integrated with your community can be daunting. Finding friends, places to visit, and organizations to be a part of can be overstimulating, which is why one Madison resident, Jaime Flotre, is doing her part to help.

Jaime is one of the new co-presidents of the Madison Newcomers Club, a social organization that aims to help those new to the town and better the town they live in. After moving back to Connecticut in 2021, Jaime became heavily involved in the Madison Newcomers Club as its vice president, which was the catalyst for her becoming one of the new Co-Presidents of the organization.

“[My] role in the organization is being a face in the community,” she says. “[I’m] helping people to understand ways that they can get involved with Newcomers, if they aren’t already, and for those internal to the organization, helping them understand how they can maximize their membership.”

Jaime says the organization gives its members many chances to get involved and stay involved in their community in a variety of different ways. One of these includes raising money to fund scholarships for Daniel Hand High School students. Throughout the year, the organization not only puts on its own events but also assists other local clubs and organizations around the town in pursuit of helping these students.

“We really do our best to not only create this really awesome space for our members,” says Jaime. “There is also an emphasis on making sure that we are assisting our community as well.”

One of the organization’s marquee events is Touch-a-Truck, which is held annually in the spring. Aimed at a younger audience, they are able to get all kinds of cars, trucks, and other vehicles to come together in the Surf Club parking lot.

“It’s a really good event for families in general,” she says. “There are also a lot of businesses local to Madison and local to the shoreline who are able to get their name out there as well. It’s really great for those businesses that have vehicles to show off during the event.”

Jaime sees the value of the Newcomers Club because, she notes, she was once new to town. As a co-president of the club, she says she enjoys being able to help other new residents.

“As an adult with a family that is moving to a new place,” Jaime says. “It’s a little bit difficult and intimidating to meet new people. The Newcomers [Club] was very helpful for me, so joining the board, I got to impact new members to my community in the same way.”

After a 12-year career in tech sales and customer service, Jaime is a full-time mom to a 3-year-old and a five-year-old girl. While she is heavily involved in the Madison Newcomers Club, Jaime also sits on the board of Jeffery Elementary School’s Parent and Teacher Organization and is involved with the Town Campus Learning Center for kids in Pre-K.

For more information about the Madison Newcomers Club, visit