Guilford Interfaith Ministries Celebrates Volunteers
This summer, Guilford Meals on Wheels will celebrate its 30th birthday, and Barbara Bishop has been on the road delivering meals for every one of those years. She was presented with a 30 Year Award at the annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, held recently at the Community Center. Bishop drives 30 miles each Tuesday, almost to the Durham line, to bring meals to North Guilford neighbors. In addition to a good meal, she brings a smile and often a good story. She has even taken the time to stop and cut daffodils to bring to each of her clients.
Guilford Meals on Wheels is available to any Guilford resident having difficulty preparing a nutritious meal. There are no age or financial restrictions. For more information on Meals on Wheels, or to volunteer for Meals on Wheels or any Guilford Interfaith Ministries program, call 203-453-8359 or visit