Pre-School Role Models Needed for NB's Project PRIDE
Jan. 15, 2015: North Branford Public Schools announces preschool role model screening on Feb. 19 for Project PRIDE, a special education pre-school located at Jerome Harrison Elementary School.
The program incorporates children without disabilities to model appropriate social, language and play skills within preschool activities. This program meets four days a week (Monday through Thursday) with two sessions (morning 9 -11:30 a.m., afternoon 12:45-3:15 p.m.). The program is seeking three and four-year-old children with typically-developing skills to serve as role models in our classes for the 2016-2017 school year.
To be enrolled as a role model peer, children must pass a preschool screening which assesses cognitive, speech-language, motor and social skills. Role model peers must be toilet trained. If parents are interested, please contact Mrs. Kohler at (203) 484-1235, to schedule a screening appointment. The screening will take approximately 30 minutes.
The names of children who pass the screening will be placed in a lottery that will take place in February or as soon as enough candidates have applied. Parents will be notified by phone in February if their child is selected. Children who are selected will participate at no cost. However, transportation must be provided by the parent.