Views Wanted in New Survey
The town's Planning Commission is asking for your views about natural hazard mitigation. What are the natural hazards the town faces? And why should residents weigh in with their views about how to address them? Here's information the Planning Commission posted on the town's website to try to encourage residents to complete a community survey about natural hazards.
"People and property in Old Saybrook periodically are exposed to damages from natural hazards including coastal floods, hurricanes, tropical storms, winter storms, nor'easters and similar events. In the last two years alone, coastal residents have suffered significant losses from Tropical Storm Irene and Superstorm Sandy while residents elsewhere have had to deal with downed trees, prolonged power outages, impassable roads and lack of services."
To help reduce and avoid damages from natural hazards, the Town prepared and adopted in 2006 a "Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan" (NHMP). The plan identified actions that could and should be taken by residents and the Town to reduce impacts to lives and property from natural hazards. 2013 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan
FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, requires towns to update these plans every 5 years to remain eligible for planning and mitigation grants. For the Town of Old Saybrook, the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments ("RiverCOG") obtained a grant to work with a committee of the Old Saybrook Planning Commission, including representatives of the Conservation Commission, Zoning Commission, Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance to update the Plan." (posted by the Old Saybrook Planning Commission)
Here's how to access the link to fill out the community survey: